Rock Drum Sets


1- The drums sets is only used for rock drummers who plays rock songs.

2-The dums set mainly used in films, rock concerts and in music institutes.

3-We can make so many types of sound and variations in by using this drums sets. 

 4- Each and Every part of this drums having there own and unique sound.

 5-The symbals are very high quality with beautyfull sound and each symbles having there own sound.

6-The drums sets is always played by sticks and there are so many kind of sticks.By which we can make different sound.
Drum Sticks

 1-These drums sticks are are good and high quality. 

2-The name of these kind of drums is Vic Firth

3-Its cost is 5000rs per pair.

4-Made in  U.S.A 

5-These kind of drums sticks are unbreakable.

6-These kind of drums sticks are playable for each and every kind of music.

7-These sticks are mainly used by professionals.

8-These sticks are available all places in world.


1-These are drums chair mainly known as throne .

2-This chair is mainly used only for drums playing . Not for other work.

3-Its very good quality drum chair company is DW.

4-Its cost is 10000rs.

5-and any kind of drummer can play comfortabily drums on sitting on this chair. ( fat,slim,long,small).

6-Its adjustable if we want to increase heigh or decrease height.

7-Inside black core seat is make by heavy foam by which all the drummers can play drum comfortably.

                                                                Drum Pedals
1-these are drums pedals.

2-Tama is the name of this pedal.

3-Its very high quality drums pedal.

4-Its used in hitting the bass drum situatted in middle and big one.

5-Its cost is 30000rs. 

6-Its good and comfortable for all drummers.
